Vincent Guillerm

Research Scientist


Vincent Guillerm is a research scientist at KAUST. He spent much of his childhood free time assembling Danish polymeric building blocks and developed interest for symmetry and architecture. During his Ph.D. research in Versailles (France) under the supervision of Prof. Férey and Dr. Serre, he switched to smaller building blocks and assembled them into metal−organic frameworks He joined KAUST in 2011 as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Eddaoudi. In 2015, he moved to the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2, Barcelona, Spain) with Prof. Maspoch. There, he initiated an independent research line, studying the opportunities of introducing geometry mismatch in reticular chemistry. In 2019, he relocated to KAUST as a research scientist in the AMPM Center. His research is driven by his fascination for crystalline, periodic molecular structures and the challenges of their imagination and assembly, and tuning their properties to tackle technology and environmental problems.

All sessions by Vincent Guillerm

Elaborated Strategies for Functional Materials Design, Discovery and Development
10:00 AM
Vincent Guillerm

Research Scientist
