Yu Han



Dr. Han is a materials chemist and his research focuses on nanoporous and nanostructured materials for novel applications in gas adsorption/separation, heterogeneous catalysis, and nanophotonics. Dr. Han is also known for his contributions to the development of ultralow-dose electron microscopy methods, which, for the first time, achieved atomic-resolution imaging of extremely sensitive materials including MOFs, COFs, supramolecular structures and hybrid perovskites. Dr. Han has published > 300 articles in prestigious journals including Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Chemistry, Nature Catalysis, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, JACS, and these papers have been cited over 40,000 times with h-index of 97 (google scholar, as of Dec 2022). His achievements have garnered international recognition. In 2004, he was named as a TR100 Young Innovator by the MIT’s magazine of innovation, Technology Review. In 2006, he was awarded the Young Scientist Award by the Singapore National Academy of Science. In 2016, he got the Cheung Kong Scholar award, the highest academic award issued to an individual by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. In 2021, he received the Humboldt research award. He is the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and designated by Clarivate as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2019-2021.

All sessions by Yu Han

Electron Microscopy Imaging of Electron Beam-Sensitive Materials
01:20 PM
Yu Han

