AMPM Center’s faculty listed as Highly Cited Researchers 2020

19 November, 2020

​We are very delighted and proud to announce that Professors Mohamed Eddaoudi, Yu Han and Omar F. Mohammed Abdelsaboor from the Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center at KAUST are listed as the world’s most-cited researchers for 2020.



Since 2002, the Highly Cited Researchers list from The Web of Science Group has identified global research scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated exceptional influence – reflected through their publication of multiple papers frequently cited by their peers during the last decade.
For the seventh year in a row, the AMPM Center director, Professor Mohamed Eddaoudi, is recognized by his peers as an outstanding researcher in the field of Chemistry. Professor Eddaoudi, head of the FMD3 research group, is one of the world leaders in the field of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a unique class of porous materials poised to address many enduring challenges pertaining to energy and environmental sustainability.
“To be listed for the seventh year in a row in this prestigious list is a true testament to the high quality of our research and the research conducted at KAUST," Prof. Eddaoudi notes.
Yu Han was named to the list for his highly cited publications in the Chemistry. His research interests include the synthesis of nanoporous and nanostructured materials, the resolution of their complicated structures and the development of novel applications for these materials in catalysis, separation, adsorption, sensing, and laser.
“Being recognized as a highly cited researcher is an honor for myself, an appreciation for the hard work of our team members,
and an indication of the increasing impact of our research,” he remarks.
Omar F. Mohammed Abdelsaboor, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, who recently joined the center, is the principal investigator of Ultrafast laser spectroscopy and four-dimensional electron imaging laboratory.

“I am very thrilled to join the AMPM Center. It’s a great opportunity to establish deeper collaboration with several core faculty who are designing and synthesizing a huge variety of advanced materials with unique architectures and optical behaviors for gas separation, sensing, CO2 reduction, and light-harvesting applications,” Prof. Mohammed says.

The newly released 2020 Highly Cited Researchers List other renowned researchers from KAUST.