Mohamed Eddaoudi, Ph.D.


​Center Director & ​Distinguished Professor of Chemical Science​

Research Interests

Professor Eddaoudi's research activities are mainly aimed at developing new strategies for the design and synthesis of functional solid-state materials from molecular building blocks and advancing the understanding of the structure-property relationship of materials.

His group at KAUST works towards developing of made-to-order MOFs that address some of our most challenging and enduring societal needs, such as:

  • Clean energy alternatives: Advance the field of MOFs toward the construction of made-to-order MOFs that can store an adequate amount of H2 at room temperature and moderate pressures.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Advance the field of MOFs toward the construction of made-to-order and cost-effective MOFs that can sequester large amounts of CO2.

Remediate chemical and biological threats: Construct superior MOFs that can rapidly detect and remediate life-threatening toxic reagents (i.e., chemical and biological warfare agents).

Selected Publications

  • A metal-organic framework–based splitter for separating propylene from propane
    A. Cadiau, K. Adil, Y. Belmabkhout, P.M. Bhatt, M. Eddaoudi
    Science, Vol. 353, Issue 6295, pp. 137-140, (2016)
  • Advanced fabrication method for the preparation of MOF thin films: liquid-phase epitaxy approach meets spin coating...
    V. Chernikova, O. Shekhah and M. Eddaoudi
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 20459-20464, (2016)
  • Quest for highly connected metal–organic framework platforms: rare-earth polynuclear clusters versatility meets net...
    D. Alezi, A.M.P. Peedikakkal, Ł.J. Weseliński, V. Guillerm, Y. Belmabkhout, A.J. Cairns, Z...
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(16), 5421-5430, (2015)
  • A fine-tuned fluorinated MOF addresses the needs for trace CO2 removal and air capture using physisorption
    P.M. Bhatt, Y. Belmabkhout, A. Cadiau, K. Adil, O. Shekhah, A. Shkurenko, L.J. Barbour, M....
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, pp. 9301-9307, (2016)
  • A facile solvent-free synthesis route for the assembly of a highly CO2 selective and H2S tolerant NiSIFSIX metal–or...
    O. Shekhah, Y. Belmabkhout, K. Adil, P.M. Bhatt, A.J. Cairns, M. Eddaoudi
    Chem. Commun., 51, 13595-13598, (2015)
  • Versatile rare earth hexanuclear clusters for the design and synthesis of highly-connected ftw-MOFs
    R. Luebke, Y. Belmabkhout, Ł.J. Weselinski, A.J. Cairns, M. Alkordi, G. Norton, Ł. Wojtas,...
    J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 6, 4095-4102, (2015)
  • Remote stabilization of copper paddlewheel based molecular building blocks in metal–organic frameworks
    W.-Y. Gao, R. Cai, T. Pham, K.A. Forrest, A. Hogan, P. Nugent, K. Williams, L. Wojtas, R. ...
    Chem. Mater., 27, pp. 2144-2151, (2015)
  • Tunable rare earth fcu-MOF platform: access to adsorption kinetics driven gas/vapor separations via pore size contr...
    D.-X. Xue, Y. Belmabkhout, O. Shekhah, H. Jiang, K. Adil, A.J. Cairns, M. Eddaoudi
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137(15), 5034-5040, (2015)
  • Quest for anionic MOF membranes: continuous sod-ZMOF membrane with CO2 adsorption-driven selectivity
    B.A. Al-Maythalony, O. Shekhah, R. Swaidan, Y. Belmabkhout, I. Pinnau, and M. Eddaoudi
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137 (5), pp. 1754-1757, (2015)
  • Reticular Synthesis of HKUST-like tbo-MOFs with Enhanced CH4 Storage
    I. Spanopoulos, C. Tsangarakis, E. Klontzas, E. Tylianakis, G. Froudakis, K. Adil, Y. Bel...
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138(5), 1568-1574, (2016)


  • ​Ph.D. Chemistry, Denis Diderot University (Paris VII), Paris, France, 1996
  • M.S. Chemistry, Denis Diderot University (Paris VII), Paris, France, 1992
  • B.S. Chemistry, IbnouZohr University, Agadir, Morocco, 1991

KAUST Affiliations

  • Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center (AMPMC)
  • Division of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE)

Research Interests Keywords

​Design synthesis Functional Solid-State Materials Molecular Building Blocks Metal-Organic Framework MOFs